Story Keeper Desktop Presets
Installation Guide
Let’s get started
There are a few different ways to install your presets depending on which version of Lightroom that you have.
As a quick guide, if you are using Lightroom 7.5 or newer you can use the Automatic installation steps outlined below.
If you are using an earlier version of Lightroom prior to the 7.5 version, check out the manual installation instructions.
To find out what version you’re using>
MAC USERS - open Lightroom and head to the ‘Lightroom’ tab in the toolbar at the top and click on ‘About Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC’.
PC USERS - Select the ‘Help’ tab and then click on ‘About Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC’.
Lightroom Classic preset installation > automatic
With Lightroom Classic 7.5 and all newer versions, you can import presets as a ZIP file using the XMP preset files.
1 - Unzip the main 'Story Keeper Presets.zip' that you downloaded. This contains two Zip files, an XMP version and an LRT version (for older Lightroom software pre 7.3).
STORY KEEPER DESKTOP PRESETS (ALL PACKS) - (These contain only XMP files for use with Lightroom 7.5 and newer versions. All Story Keeper presets, apart from the Signature pack, are not available for older Lightroom versions pre 7.3. If you still run the original versions of Lightroom (pre 7.3), the Signature pack will work for you.
1 - Unzip the main 'SK Desktop Presets.zip' that you downloaded. You will find an install guide and the preset Zip file in this folder.
2 -Click on the Develop module in Lightroom.
3 - You can import using one of these options:
~ In the Presets panel on the left, click on the + icon at the top right of the preset panel area and choose the Import Presets option.
~ Or head to the Menu bar and click File > Import Develop Profiles and Presets.
4 - When the import box opens, choose your downloaded ZIP file named ‘Story Keeper pack name XMP.zip' (don’t uncompress your ZIP file before you import it. You need to import the ZIP file for the import to work correctly).
5 - Now you’re ready to go! Your new presets will be added to our preset area which you can view when you are in the Develop module.
Lightroom Classic preset installation > manual
Follow this method if you are using Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 2015, 6, 5 or 4. If you are using version 7 onwards, I recommend updating to the latest version (9.3) and using the automatic install instructions above.
1 - Unzip the Story Keeper preset file that you downloaded. If you can't unzip the files, try out a free unzipping tool such as Stuffit.
2 - Locate the Develop Presets folder. In Lightroom, go to Edit > Preferences (Mac = Lightroom then Preferences) > Presets tab and select “Show Lightroom Presets Folder” > Lightroom > Develop Presets.
3 - Drag the Preset folder, 'Story Keeper Presets LRT', into the Develop Preset folder on you system.
4 - Restart Lightroom and you are now ready to go! Open Lightroom and click on the Develop module and you will find your presets in the Preset panel on the left.
Photo Shop Adobe Camera Raw Installation
1 - Unzip the Story Keeper Preset file.
2 - Open up Finder in Mac / Explorer in Windows, and locate the
following path: {Insert your own system user name where you see “UserName” below.
• Macintosh: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/ Adobe/CameraRawFolder/Settings
• Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings
• Windows 7: C\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\ CameraRaw\Settings
• Please note, if you don’t see the settings location, then you need to turn on the Show Hidden Files option.
3 - Copy the .xmp presets into the Settings folder.
4 - Restart and the presets will now appear in the ACR preset tab.
If you are using Mac and cannot locate the Settings folder > go to finder and select Go > Go to Folder from the menu. Then copy and paste this into the box: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings
Lightroom CC mobile & iPad app > how to install & sync your desktop presets to Lightroom CC on your iPad or mobile
MOBILE APP - There is a free Lightroom Mobile app that you can download from the app store and you can sync your presets with the app. This means that you can use the presets on your mobile to edit on the go.
IPAD APP - There is a Lightroom CC app available to use on iPad as well. The install method on mobile and iPad devices is the same when using the Desktop Presets.
1 - Download Lightroom Mobile / iPad app from the app store and install on our device.
2 - Open 'Adobe Lightroom CC' on your computer. (This is not the same as Lightroom Classic, this is the Cloud version).
3 - Click on 'File' > 'Import Profiles & Presets'. In the dialog box that opens, select your Story Keeper presets ZIP file and click on 'import'. Alternatively, you can click on 'Presets' in the bottom right and then click on the three dots beside the Presets heading and click on 'Import Presets'.
4 - Open your Lightroom Mobile / Ipad app on your phone or iPad and click sync. Your presets will now be available to use under the preset tab on your devices.
*Please note that presets work a little differently on phone images and will need some adjustments made.
Check out this video tutorial for installing on Lightroom Mobile.
Need some extra help?
Check out these video tutorials if you need some extra help installing your presets ~
'How to install presets for Mac and PC'
'How to Install ACR Presets (Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw) - The Luxe Lens'